Pleiades Instruments

ALPES Software

ALPES Software (Automotive Lighting Photometric Equipment Software) Allows the remote control of photometric products manufactured by Pleiades Instruments.

It offers an user-friendly handling allowing the user to realize depending the systems difference measurmenent types :

  • Standard Measurement (point, zone, line or group of point normalized following current regulation : ECE, SAE, CCC, KR)
  • Maximum search : Research of maximum in a defined area
  • Staility Measurement : Measurement of the photometric stability during a precise time
  • Isolux or Isocandela :  Photometric scan in a defined area
  • Line Measurement : Measurement of an horizontal of verticale Line.
  • Sharpness Setup and Measurement : Measurement and setting up of the cutoff/Sharpness following regulations : ECE/SAE, Pollack, ISO

It also allows automatic séquence measurement of differents steps on a same product (switching on/off automatically, settinng up of the tested function, Automatic measurement start).

The software allows the file generation on different format Excel, text, IES (others specific format are available on requests).

ALPES has a second proprietary software named ALPES-DBE (ALPES DataBase Editor) allowing management of measurement database.

The software ALPES is continously improved in order to follow regulation modifications and customer requests.

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