Pleiades Instruments


The company propose some options which can be added to their systems.

Powers supplies

Power supplies allow the switching on of tested products.

2 types of power supplies are availables :

  •  Power supply TTI used for lughting products : 18 V – 20A
  •  Power supply Agilent for signaling products : 25V – 7A or 50V – 4A

Power supplies can be controlled by ALPES software.

Rotating stage (only for MES)

A rotating stage can be added to the vertical motorized stage on Multicells systems.

it can allow to measure products with wide angle (like cornering functions) or measure visibility points ofr signaling products.

This table has an angle range of +/- 180°


Lenses are used to reduce the measurement distance for MES or GES systems.

 Spare lenses are available.

Calibrated Products

A range of calibrated products is available allowing customer to calibrate Pleiades Instruments systems.

Ceux-ci sont disponibles pour les 2 types de configuration :

Produit étalon éclairage : 2 niveaux de mesure
Produits étalons signalisation : 3 couleurs (rouge, ambre, incolore)

Les produits sont fournis avec leur support de réglage spécifique ainsi qu’une valise de transport rigide.

Les produits sont étalonnés par un laboratoire certifié ISO17025 et fournis avec leur certificat d’étalonnage.

Electronic board for High frequency PWM product (for MES system)

An additionnal electronic board cane be added to MES systems allowing measurement of high frequency PWM products (fréquency upper to 500 Hz).

31 cells can be connected to this board.

This board is controlled by ALPES software.


A Spectrocolorimeter can be added on MES and GES systems. It allows measurement of lighting or signaling products.

The spectrocolorimeter is controlled by ALPES software allowing the automatic measurement during a measurement sequence.